Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hobart strip could make a comeback, but some neighbors strongly oppose it
The pair of long asphalt straightaways look out of place in the midst of tall weeds across the street from houses and farmland. But if you close your eyes and think back about 25 years, you can still hear the roar of the engines and smell the gasoline fumes.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if the public knew what was
going on, they would understand what the guys are trying to do !

Anonymous said...

This place is historic,and will
be a great thing for the community
if run right,i dont think these
guys are going to spend a bunch
of money if they thought it would
fail,i live 2 miles away and i think they should do something
because buisness in that area is closed like the gas station on the
corner of US30 & clay st, plus the
big south lake auto body across the
street is closed and is a big eye
sore,they have been closed for a while and its not because of the
track !when the track was open those places did really well,so quit monin about your property is
going to go down,it will go up look on the internet at the stories
about that stuff.

Anonymous said...

i think it would be great to see some more racing at u.s.30.why can't they run before 9.00 p.m.? do we really need to run jet cars? what about the dads who want to have a good time with their children?

Anonymous said...

why not run before 9pm?can we make more exits for the fans and racers? it would have been fun to be around in the 60's and 70's when cars were cheaper than today. they were also easier to maintain and modify......