Saturday, April 30, 2005

Radical Updates Just Weeks Away!
Brian Clark of Fusionwerks reports that the new Drag Racing List conversion to an online resource is ALMOST DONE and ready for beta testing! I'll be testing it next week to see how it works and to iron out any kinks... shortly after that, we will roll it out to the world! Just to whet your appetite, the new system will allow you to see and sort the lists in just about any way imaginable. There will be ten standard views (up from the current three), and for the biggest change of all: anyone in the world will be able to submit updates to the actual lists. If I approve them, your changes will be LIVE in 24 to 48 hours! This also will allow us to be able to enter updated race stats immediately after each event. Watch this space in early May for the kickoff date. BP

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