You may have seen the news posted here or elsewhere – the PROJECT 1320 website is now a fully functioning site and is no longer a “Splash” landing page. The Board of Directors of the Quarter Mile Foundation is pleased to finally have the site operational. The process of building the site has been a time-consuming effort, primarily to build in the flexibility needed to grow the site as the PROJECT 1320 effort will move forward in the future. There will be some gradual changes to the “Ning” site as a result of the “Official” site becoming fully active. It will remain fully functional as a social site, you will be able to upload photos and video, and the access to images (still and video) will be there. However, after 45 days, the historical images will be available only on the project1320.com site. Those selected images will be public domain on the project1320.com site in the “PHOTOS” and “VIDEO” tabs area, open to everyone. There will be a link on the “Ning” site to visit those areas on the project1320.com site. The Foundation appreciates the participation of those who have joined the Ning site and who support it. However, it is important to understand, now that the project1320.com site is operating, it is the OFFICIAL home of the Foundation and the Ning site will be a satellite site, and will be controlled and administered by the Foundation. Quarter Mile Foundation will not ignore this site. We’ll continue to post news and other information as we have in the past. A word about “membership” There may have been some confusion regarding membership in the PROJECT 1320 effort, particularly when you join the project1320.ning.com site. The ONLY membership is as a “Friend of PROJECT 1320” or in the “Brotherhood of the Quarter Mile” which are Quarter Mile Foundation entities. The participation in the Ning site is that you signed up to share here, and have access to the features of this site, as well as allowing Project 1320 to share information while the website was under construction. Becoming a “Friend of PROJECT 1320” involves a modest ONE-TIME membership fee of $36.95 (U.S.), plus the cost of shipping and handling of member merchandise. That includes a cap, t-shirt, hat pin, decals, as well as a discount on the release of the Collector’s edition of the DVD set; quarterly newsletters will also be included on the “What’s Going on with Project 1320.” There is no renewal fee...unless you wish to make a further donation. The membership fee and any further donation is tax-deductable (U.S. only). Additionally, “Friends” gain access to a Members-Only sub-site which will feature the outtakes and behind the scenes filming of the interviews of the legends and pioneers as those interviews were being conducted. We HIGHLY encourage those that are participating here in the Ning site who are NOT “Friends of PROJECT 1320” or the “Brotherhood of the Quarter Mile” to get involved. If you truly believe in the need to complete the documentary film series on the history of drag racing, we need you to step to the front and join the cause, and be a “Friend!” Please visit www.project1320.com to become an “Official Member” then sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! We welcome all comments and also let us know what you think of the new site...It will be growing frequently....
Thank you all for your understanding and believing! Let's Ride! Traci Hrudka |