Major changes on Camaro should lead to success after learning cycle in 2010
Earlier this season, the team installed a screw blower on the ERD (Engine Research & Development) 526-cubic inch Brad Anderson (BAE) Supercharged Hemi engine of the G-Force Race Cars Camaro, and changed the traditional three-speed Lenco gearbox with a Bruno/Lenco torque convertor automatic set-up, a new combination for the team to learn.
"We struggled with the combo," said Nielsen, who placed ninth in the 2010 Pro Modified Racing Association Championship Point Award Series presented by Magnum Auto Parts and Patio Passport. "But later in the season we got back down to the ETs we're accustomed to."
Nielsen, who won the May 2006 PMRA event at the Cayuga Dragstrip of Toronto Motorsports Park, and placed second in the 2009 season, believes the learning curve with the new features on the car is complete, and is looking for positive results in 2011.
"Nothing is really new on the car from this season," he said. "We're working on refining the present combination, and hopefully dip into the fives.
Nielsen has been a PMRA competitor since its inception in 2004, and will continue to race with the support of crew members Randy Gronlund, Richard Ruysseveldt, Dave Ross, Natalia Kalivodova and Rachel Ross.