2005 USA-1 Dragfest Another Success.The kids and I just got home from Bruce Larson's house. We dropped Jack Redd off 30 minutes ago. The USA-1 Dragfest once again was a great time hanging out with good friends. It was Emily's first time and all the veteran racers treated her like a princess. She took copious notes that she wants to turn into an article. Bruce, Dave Heisey, and Dick Gerwer generously awarded me with a "Hard Core Enthusiast" plaque for Draglist. It was neat to have the kids there for that. Also receiving the same award this year were superfan Mashie Mihalko, photojournalist Geoff Stunkard, and the Eastern Motorsports Museum. Mike Goyda, the primary sponsor of Draglist, was on hand. It was nice to able to thank him publicly for the support, as well as all the volunteers who help to make Draglist what it is. Pretty beat now, so it's off to bed. Will chat more tomorrow (er, later today)... bp